
Year of the Jellyfish Write-up | TryHackMe Hard

Some boxes sting… Room: TryHackMe/Year of the Jellyfish OS: Ubuntu Linux PORT 80: Web-Technology: Apache 2.4.29 CREDENTIALS (ANY): admin$2y$10$q1BI3CSqToALH2Q1r2weLeRpyU7QbonizeVxJnPIieo/...

Wreath Network Report / Write-up | TryHackMe

This room teaches how to pivot through a network by compromising a public-facing web machine and tunneling your traffic to access other machines in Wreath’s network. This was a hard-level room re...

Retro Write-up | TryHackMe

We can see that a webserver is hosted on the machine. While waiting for the recommended time, :) let’s run a gobuster directory scan: gobuster dir --wordlist=/usr/share/dict/directory-list-2.3-...

Brainpan Write-up | TryHackMe

Running a threader3000 scan: python threader3000.py running suggested scan: So our program runs at 9999 port, lets checkout the http server running at port 10000. Running...

Internal Write-up | TryHackMe Hard

Runing threader3000: python threader3000.py output Port 22 is open Port 80 is open port 80: Apache 2.4.29 /default page. running suggested nmap scan: nmap -p22,80 -sV -sC -T4...

Gatekeeper Write-up | TryHackMe

Can you get past the gate and through the fire? Running threader3000 scan: python threader3000 Running the suggested nmap scan: nmap -p139,135,445,3389,31337,49167,49154,49...

Brainstorm Write-up | TryHackMe

Reverse engineer a chat program and write a script to exploit a Windows machine. Running threader3000 scan: python threader3000.py Q) How many ports are open? Ans .3 gives wr...

Adding Hotstpot/AP mode support for MT7921 on Linux (stock / linux-g14 kernel)

Since the current Linux kernel drivers for MT7921 doesn’t support Monitor mode, I couldn’t enable the wifi hotspot through my Zephyrus G14 on Linux. So I found out that there is a patch available f...

Getting started with Migen | A python based HDL

In digital design, the complexity of designing a circuit gave birth to standard languages to describe digital circuits (i.e. Hardware Description Languages - HDL). HDLs are used to model hardware e...

Reducing cpu Usage in Windows | Guide

Are you frustrated by high CPU usage on your Windows PC? Do you want to speed up your system performance and save battery life or just play CPU intensive games? If so, this post is for you. The...