
Year of the Rabbit Write-up | TryHackMe

Time to enter the warren… TryHackMe/Year of the Rabbit Enumeration IP: Threader3000 scan: ------------------------------------------------------------ Threader 3000 -...

Year of the Jellyfish Write-up | TryHackMe Hard

Some boxes sting… Room: TryHackMe/Year of the Jellyfish OS: Ubuntu Linux PORT 80: Web-Technology: Apache 2.4.29 CREDENTIALS (ANY): admin$2y$10$q1BI3CSqToALH2Q1r2weLeRpyU7QbonizeVxJnPIieo/...

Wreath Network Report / Write-up | TryHackMe

This room teaches how to pivot through a network by compromising a public-facing web machine and tunneling your traffic to access other machines in Wreath’s network. This was a hard-level room re...

Retro Write-up | TryHackMe

We can see that a webserver is hosted on the machine. While waiting for the recommended time, :) let’s run a gobuster directory scan: gobuster dir --wordlist=/usr/share/dict/directory-list-2.3-...

Brainpan Write-up | TryHackMe

Running a threader3000 scan: python threader3000.py running suggested scan: So our program runs at 9999 port, lets checkout the http server running at port 10000. Running...

Internal Write-up | TryHackMe Hard

Runing threader3000: python threader3000.py output Port 22 is open Port 80 is open port 80: Apache 2.4.29 /default page. running suggested nmap scan: nmap -p22,80 -sV -sC -T4...

Gatekeeper Write-up | TryHackMe

Can you get past the gate and through the fire? Running threader3000 scan: python threader3000 Running the suggested nmap scan: nmap -p139,135,445,3389,31337,49167,49154,49...

Brainstorm Write-up | TryHackMe

Reverse engineer a chat program and write a script to exploit a Windows machine. Running threader3000 scan: python threader3000.py Q) How many ports are open? Ans .3 gives wr...

Adding Hotstpot/AP mode support for MT7921 on Linux (stock / linux-g14 kernel)

Since the current Linux kernel drivers for MT7921 doesn’t support Monitor mode, I couldn’t enable the wifi hotspot through my Zephyrus G14 on Linux. So I found out that there is a patch available f...

Getting started with Migen | A python based HDL

In digital design, the complexity of designing a circuit gave birth to standard languages to describe digital circuits (i.e. Hardware Description Languages - HDL). HDLs are used to model hardware e...