So, it all started at IRIS NITK, where I had the chance to work with some seriously cracked individuals, and we were testing out different distributed strategies for MariaDB. While I didn’t have a ...
Project Github Link Hey there, folks; I’m writing here after a long aff time. In this lore, I will discuss how we implemented our smart NIC on an FPGA. This was my final year major project that I ...
This blog post is a writeup for the updown machine from hackthebox. It contains the steps to exploit a web app vulnerability, crack a password hash, and escalate privileges using a cron job to ge...
This blog post is a writeup for the ambassador machine from hackthebox. Exploiting a path traversal vulnerability in grafana gets the user shell and using consul service gets the root privilege. ...
NahamCon EU CTF 2022 was a 24-Hour CTF contest hosted by JustHacking on December 16th, 12:00 PM - December 17th, 12:00 PM PST. Our team T34M #4294967295, consisting of me, Anorak and Jokesta, p...
Hackthebox University CTF 2022 : Supernatural Hacks was a University Wise CTF event held by HackTheBox with 942 teams participating from different universities across the world. This was my first...
Always so polite… TryHackMe/Year of the Dog Enumeration IP: Threader 3000 scan: ------------------------------------------------------------ Threader 3000 - Multi-threade...
Don’t underestimate the sly old fox… TryHackMe/Year of the Fox Enumeration IP: Threader3000 scan: ------------------------------------------------------------ Threader...
Climb through the Looking Glass and capture the flags. TryHackMe/Looking Glass Enumeration IP: threader3000 scan: huhh, This seems to be raining down open ports, :-; just gon...
Some pigs do fly… TryHackMe/Year of the Pig Enumeration IP: threader300 scan: ------------------------------------------------------------ Threader 3000 - Multi-thread...
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